Anaphora, extended phase boundaries, and the Spell-out trap, to appear in Linguistic Inquiry.
Actual clauses and the theory of clausal selection. In Proceedings of the 7th Meeting of the World Conference of African Linguistics, Pius Tamanji, ed., Rüdiger Koppe Verlag, Berlin. (Co-authors Mark Baker and Justine Sikuku). Prepublication draft available as Afranaph Techinical Report #5.
Weak Crossover. In Blackwell Companion to Syntax, Martin Everaert and Henk van Riemsdijk, eds., Blackwell, Oxford. Prepublication version available on Lingbuzz.
Complement clause C-agreement beyond subject phi-agreement in Ikalanga. In Proceedings of the 48th Meeting of the Annual Conference of African Linguistics, Samson
Lotven, ed. Language Science Press (online). (with Rose Letsholo).
Morphosyntax and movement: Verb stems in Jóola Eegimaa. In Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 35:839-897. (with Mamadou Bassene).
Theory and description: Understanding the syntax of Eegima verb stem Morphology. In Africa’s Endangered Languages: Documentary and Theoretical Approaches, Jason Kandybowicz, ed.,Oxford: Oxford University Press. (with Mamadou Bassene).
Niger-Congo Transitive Reciprocal Constructions and Polysemy with Reflexives. In Proceedings of the 46th Meeting of the Annual Conference of African Linguistics, Doris Payne, ed., Language Science Press (Online). (Co-author Nagarajan Selvanathan).
Complex anaphora in Lubukusu. In Proceedings of the 43rd Meeting of the Annual Conference of African Linguistics, Ọlanikẹ Ọla Orie and Karen W. Sanders, eds., 196-206, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, MA. 2013. (Co-authors Mark Baker and Justine Sikuku). Prepublication draft available as Afranaph Techinical Report #7.
Syntax, Binding and Patterns of Anaphora. In Cambridge Handbook of Generative Syntax, Ed. Marcel den Dikken. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Sources of (a)symmetry in Bantu double object constructions. In Proceedings of the 31st Meeting of the West Coast Conference in Formal Linguistics, Nathan Arnett and Ryan Bennet, eds., 54-64, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, MA. (Co-authors Mark Baker and Justine Sikuku). Prepublication draft available as Afranaph Techinical Report #6.
Abandoning ‘Coreference’. In Thought, Reference and Experience: Themes from the Philosophy of Gareth Evans. Ed. J. L. Bermudez. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
The Syntax of (In)dependence. Cambridge: MIT Press.
The Syntax of Anaphora. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Introducing Exxtension. In The Proceedings of the Fifth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics, Y. Otsu (Ed.), (pp.1-31).Tokyo: Hitsuzi Syobo Publishing.
On Person as a Model for Logophoricity. In Proceedings of WOCAL 4. Akin Akinlabi, ed.
Anaphors, Movement and Coconstrual, in Grammatik i Fokus. Grammar and Focus. A Festschrift for Chirster Platzack, November 18, 2003. Eds. Lars-Olaf Delsing, Cecilia Falk, Gunlog Josefsson and Halldór Sigurðsson. Dearpartment of Scandinavian Languages, Lund University.
Vehicle Change and Reconstruction in A'-chains. Linguistic Inquiry 30:587-620.
Symmetry and Unity in the Theory of Anaphora. In Hans Bennis, Pierre Pica and Johan Rooryck, eds., Atomism and Binding, Foris Publications, Dordrecht, Holland.
Derivation, Representation and Resumption: The Domain of Weak Crossover. Linguistic Inquiry 27; 314-339.
Semantic Atoms of Anaphora. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 14;545-589.
Comments on Quicoli: PRO and pro. In R. Freidin, ed., Current Issues in Comparative Grammar, pp.81-90, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Abstract Incorporation vs. Abstract Cliticization. In CLS 31, Papers from the 31st Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society, Volume 2: The Parasession on Clitics, pp.280-299, Chicago Linguistics Society.
Perception, Selection and Structural Economy. Natural Language Semantics 2;47-70.
Implied Non-coreference and the Pattern of Anaphora. Linguistics and Philosophy 15;1-52.
Evidence, Analogy, and Passive Knowledge: Comments on Lakshmanan. In L. Ewing, ed., Point Counterpoint: Universal Grammar in the Second Language, pp.411-418, John Benjamins, Amsterdam and Philadelphia. (Co-author Nina Hyams)
Evaluative Predicates and the Status of Implicit Arguments. In R. Freidin, ed., Principles and Parameters in Comparative Grammar, pp. 98-131, MIT Press, Cambridge.
The Null Subject Parameter and Parametric Theory. In O. Jaeggli and K. Safir, eds., The Null Subject Parameter, pp.1-44, Kluwer, Dordrecht, Holland. (Co-author Osvaldo Jaeggli).
Binominal Each. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Northeast Linguistics Society, pp.429-450, Department of Linguistics, U. of Massachusetts, Amherst. (Co-author Tim Stowell).
Against E. Williams' there Analysis. In MIT Working Papers in Linguistics: MIT/25, MIT Department of Linguistics and Philosophy.
The Syntactic Projection of Lexical Thematic Structure. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 5;561-601.
The Anti-C-command Condition on Parasitic Gaps. Linguistic Inquiry 18; 678-683.
What Explains the Definiteness Effect. In Alice ter Meulen and Eric Reuland, eds., The Representation of (In)definiteness, pp.71-97, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Comments on Wexler and Manzini. In T. Roeper and E. Williams, eds., Parameter Setting, pp. 77-89, Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland.
Relative Clauses in a Theory of Binding and Levels. Linguistic Inquiry 17; 663-689.
Subject Clitics and the NOM-drop Parameter. In Hagit Borer,ed., Syntax and Semantics Volume 19: Clitics in Syntactic Theory, pp. 333-356, Academic Press, New York.
On Implicit Arguments and Thematic Structure. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Northeast Linguistics Society, pp.403-418, Department of Linguistics, U. of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Binding in Relative Clauses. In Proceedings of the Fourth West Coast Conference in Formal Linguistics, pp.284-298, Stanford Department of Linguistics.
Missing Subjects in German. In J. Toman, ed., Linguistic Theory and the Grammar of German, pp. 193-229, Foris Publications, Dordrecht, Holland.
Multiple Variable Binding. Linguistic Inquiry 15; 603-638, MIT Press, Cambridge.
On Small Clauses as Constituents. Linguistic Inquiry 14; 730-735.
Post-verbal Subjects and the Definiteness Effect. In C. Jones and P. Sells, eds., Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Northeast Linguistics Society, 220-242, Department of Linguistics, U. of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Nasal Spreading in Capanahua. Linguistic Inquiry 13:689-694.
Inflection-Government and Inversion. The Linguistic Review 1;417-467.
Inflection, Inversion and Subject Clitics. In J. Pustejovsky and V. Burke, eds., Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Northeast Linguistic Society, pp.331-344, U. Mass., Amherst. (Co-authors David Pesetsky)
Metrical Structure in Capanahua, In Ken Safir, ed., MIT Working papers in Linguistics: Papers on Syllable Structure, Metrical Structure and Harmony Processes, pp.95-114, MIT Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Cambridge.